- Improvements in aircraft fire detection
- Fire protection solutions for aircraft hangars
- Use of AI to improve situational awareness for firefighters
- Fire safety challenges in refugee camps

Milke, James A.
Center for Risk and Reliability
- Ph.D. Aerospace Engineering (UMD, 1991)
- M.S. Mechanical Engineering (UMD, 1981)
- B.S. Fire Protection Engineering (UMD, 1976)
- B.S. Physics (Ursinus College, 1974)
A member of the faculty since 1977, Dr. Milke is a Professor in the Department. He served as Department Chair from 2011-2023. His principal areas of expertise involve smoke management, fire detection and analyzing the response of materials exposed to fire conditions. Milke is also director of the distance option for the Master of Engineering Program.
In 1991, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland in Aerospace Engineering. He received a Master of Science degree from the University of Maryland in Mechanical Engineering and is a 1976 graduate of the Fire Protection Engineering program. Dr. Milke also has a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics from Ursinus College.
Dr. Milke is a Fellow and a past President of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE). He is a member of several professional societies, including SFPE, National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), and the International Association for Fire Safety Science. He is a member of the Fire Council of Underwriters Laboratories and was a member of the NFPA Standards Council. He is a past-chair of the NFPA Technical Committee on Smoke Management Systems and the ASCE/SFPE committee, "Structural Design for Fire Conditions." He was a member of the Core Group of the FEMA Building Performance Assessment Team for the World Trade Center incident on September 11, 2001.
Dr. Milke has served as a Research Fire Prevention Engineer at the Center for Fire Research, National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) and as the Fire Protection Engineer for Fairfax County, Virginia.
Dr. Milke has received awards from several organizations, as indicated below:
- 2023, American Fire Sprinkler Association, Henry S. Parmelee Award
- 2023, National Fire Protection Association Distinguished Service Award
- 2022, Best Paper Award 2021, Editor’s Choice for best paper in Volume 56 (2020) of Fire Technology
- 2021, Harmathy Award, for best paper in Volume 56 (2020) of Fire Technology
- 2018, Fire Industry Leadership Award, Siemens Building Technology Division
- 2017, ASHRAE 2016 Technical Paper Award
- 2016, Arthur B. Guise Award, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- 2013, Ronald K. Mengel Award for best paper at 2013 Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications Symposium, with R. Zevotek and T. Fabian
- 2012, 2011 Person of the Year, Automatic Fire Alarm Association
- 2009, John L. Bryan Mentoring Award, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- 2007, Founders Award, Chesapeake Chapter of SFPE
- 2007, Jack Bono Engineering Communications Award, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- 2006, Faculty Service Award, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland
- 2002, Harry C. Bigglestone Award, for best paper in Volume 37 (2001) of Fire Technology
- 2002, Harold E. Nelson Award, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- 2000, Harry C. Bigglestone Award, for best paper in Volume 35 (1999) of Fire Technology
- 1999, Best Paper for ICFRE2 conference, with S. Hill and J. Quintiere
- 1996, Harry C. Bigglestone Award, for best paper in Volume 31 (1995) of Fire Technology
- 1995, John J. Ahern President’s Award, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- 1994, E. Robert Kent Outstanding Teaching Award, A. James Clark School of Engineering, University of Maryland
- 1988, Director's Award, Society of Fire Protection Engineers
- Analysis of smoke management systems
- Development of advanced detection systems
- Analysis of building evacuations
- Analysis of the performance of fire protection systems
- ENFP 101, Intro to FPE
- ENFP 411, Risk-Informed Performance Based Design
- ENFP 413/613 Human Response to Fire/Advanced Life Safey Analysis
- ENFP 440/627 Smoke Management and Fire Alarm Systems/Smoke Detection and Management
- ENFP 655, Smoke Control
Smoke Management:
- Pongratz, C., Milke, J.A., and Trouve, A., A CFD Study to Identify Methods to Increase Maximum Velocity of Makeup Air for Atrium Smoke Control, ST-16-(RP-1600) ASHRAE, Transactions, Volume 122, Part 2, July 2016.
- Milke, J.A., “Smoke Control by Mechanical Exhaust or Natural Venting,” SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 5th edition, M. Hurley, 2016, Springer, New York.
- Milke, J.A., “Analytical Methods for Determining Fire Resistance of Steel Members,” SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 5th edition, M. Hurley, 2016, Springer, New York. J.H. Klote, J.A. Milke, P.G. Turnbull, A. Kashef, and M.J. Ferreira, Handbook of Smoke Control Engineering, 2012, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta.
- Milke, J.A., “Smoke Management by Mechanical Exhaust or Natural Venting,” SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 5th edition, M. Hurley, 2016, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
- Milke, J.A., and Klote, J.H., Smoke Movement in Buildings,” Fire Protection Handbook, 20th edition, A. Cote, Ed., 2008, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
- Kerber, S. and Milke, J.A., Using FDS to Simulate Smoke Layer Interface Height in a Simple Atrium,” Fire Technology, 43, 1, March 2007, 45-75.
- Milke, J.A., “Effectiveness of High-Capacity Smoke Exhaust in Large Spaces,” J. of Fire Protection Engineering, 13, 3, 111-128, 2002.
- Klote, J.H. and Milke J.A., Principles of Smoke Management, 2002, American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers, Atlanta.
Structural Fire Protection:
- Milke J.A., “Analytical Methods for Determining Fire Resistance of Steel Members,” SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering, 5th edition, P.J. DiNenno, 2016, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA
- Ryder, N.L., Wolin, S. D., and Milke, J.A.*, “An Investigation of the Reduction in Fire Resistance of Steel Columns Caused by Loss of Spray-Applied Fire Protection,” J. of Fire Protection Engineering, 12 (1), 2002, 31-44.
- Milke, J.A., “Performance Analysis of Simplex TrueAlert ES Addressable Notification Appliances,” for Johnson Controls, Inc., Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, May 2017
Milke, J.A., “Comparison of Designs with Simplex TrueAlert ES Addressable and Nonaddressable Notification Appliances,” for Johnson Controls, Inc., Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, May 2017
Milke, J.A., Chin, Selena, Schraffenberger, Nicholas, and Lemberos, Irene, Improvements in Aircraft Fire Detection,” for Federal Aviation Administration, US Department of Transportation, Johnson Controls, Inc., Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, October 2017
Milke, J.A. and Mustafa, S., “Effect of Detector Sensitivity Changes on the Provision of Adequate Warning to Building Occupants,” Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, February 2016.
Milke, J.A., Hanson, Robert E. and Mizrach, Daniel E., “Comparison of the Life Safety Performance of Smoke Detectors and Sprinklers in Commercial, Industrial and Education Institution Housing,” for National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, April 29, 2013.
- Milke, James A., “History of Smoke Detection: A Profile of How the Technology and Role of Smoke Detection Has Changed,” Siemens Industry, Inc., Building Technologies Division, Florham Park, NJ, September 8, 2010.
- Milke, James A., Campanella, A.J., Childers, Cathleen T. and Wright, Brittany D., “Performance of Smoke Detectors and Sprinklers in Residential and Health-Care Occupancies,” for National Electrical Manufacturers Association, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, May 14, 2010.
- Milke, J.A., Mowrer, F.W., and Gandhi, P., Validation of a Smoke Detection Performance Prediction Methodology, Fire Protection Research Foundation, Quincy, MA, October 2008.
- Cestari, L.A., Worrell, C., and Milke, J.A., “Advanced Fire Detection Algorithms Using Data from the Home Smoke Detector Project,” Fire Safety J., 40, 2005, 1-28.
- Milke, J.A., Hulcher, M.E., Worrell, C.L., Gottuk, D.T., Williams, F.W., “Investigation of Multi-Sensor Algorithms for Fire Detection,” Fire Technology, 39, (4), 4th Quarter, October 2003, 363-382.
- S.D. Wolin, N.L. Ryder, F. Leprince, J.A. Milke, F.W. Mowrer and J.L. Torero, “Measurements of Smoke Characteristics in HVAC Ducts,” Fire Technology, 37, (4), 4th Quarter, October 2001, 363-395.
- Milke, J.A., "Monitoring Multiple Aspects of Fire Signatures for Discriminating Fire Detection," Fire Technology, 35 (3), 3rd Quarter 1999, 195-209.
Milke, J. and McAllister, J., Carbon Monoxide Incidents: A Review of the Data Landscape, Fire Protection Research Foundation, September 2022.
Milke, J., Stacy D. and Poole, J., Design Fire and Material Performance Database Report, SFPE Foundation, February, 2022.
Milke, J. and Poole, J., Performance Criteria for Aircraft Hangar Fire Protection Systems, Fire Protection Research Foundation, January 2022.
Doermann, J., Kuligowski, E.D., and Milke, J.A., “From Social Science Research to Engineering Practice: Development of a Short Message Creation Tool for Wildfire Emergencies,” Fire Technology, 57, 2021. 815-837.
Milke, J.A., Gallo, J, and Wong, A. “Fire Safety Challenges in Informal Settlements,” FPEeXTRA, SFPE, August 27, 2021.
Milke, J., Norwood, L., Ball, A., Cobbs, J., DeLucca, A., Tan, G. and Widenhofer, Z., “Occupant Evacuation Behavior in Wildland Fires,” Fire Protection Research Foundation, May, 2021.
Milke, J.A., Brondum, N., Dunne, S., Whitcomb, C., “Review of Foam Fire Suppression System Discharges in Aircraft Hangars,” for Poole Fire Protection, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, February 22, 2021.
Dunne, S. Lee, Candice, Nguyen, Nam, Slingluff, Caroline, Milke, J., “Railing Height, Design and Criteria Review,” for Fire Protection Research Foundation, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, June 2019.
Milke, J.A., Behera, S., Lee, Kelliann and Slingluff, Caroline, “Review of Foam Fire Suppression System Discharges in Aircraft Hangars,” for National Air Transportation Association, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, November 2019.
Milke, J.A., Isman, K.E., and Ryder, N.L., “Bangladeshi Garment Factory Fire Safety,” Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, January 2016.
- Milke, J.A., “Fire Protection as the Underpinning of Good Process Safety Programs,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Jan. 2016, 329-333.
- Milke, J.A., “Analysis of Observations of People Movement Characteristics during Evacuation of High Rise Office Buildings,” for National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland, April 2013.
- Hoskins, B. and Milke, J.A., “Differences in Measurement Methods for Travel Distance and Area for Estimates of Occupant Speed on Stairs”, Fire Safety Journal, 48, February 2012, 49-57.
- Gwynne, S.M.V., Kuligowski, E.D., Kratchman, J., and Milke, J.A., “Questioning the Linear Relationship Between Doorway Width and Achievable Flow Rate”, Fire Safety Journal, 44, January 2009, 80-87.