Event Details (2024)
Christmas Tree Fire Safety Demos will take place on Thursday, December 12, 2024.
Full schedule is below. Not sure what to expect? Watch this Youtube Video of a previous experiment.
3229 JM Patterson Building
4356 Stadium Dr, College Park, MD 20742
8:30 a.m: UMD Crew Arrival
9 a.m: Media Arrival/Set-Up
9:30 a.m: Small scale experiments on branches of (a) artificial trees, (b) well-watered natural trees, and (c) dry/un-watered natural trees
9:50 a.m: Full-scale test on a well-watered (natural) tree
10:15 a.m: Full-scale test on a dry/un-watered (natural) tree
10:30-11:00 a.m: Media Departure
UMD Christmas Tree Heat Release Rate (HRR) Competition
In addition to these fire safety demonstrations, the Department of Fire Protection Engineering at UMD also hosts an annual competition to predict the burning behavior (HRR) of Christmas tree fires, from ignition to final burnout. Students, faculty, researchers, and engineers from fire safety programs across the globe are encouraged to participate. To get started, visit the HRR Competition website and follow the instructions on how to register.