Leventon, Isaac
NIST Research Associate
Isaac Leventon is an alumni of the University of Maryland (UMD), where he completed his BS, MS, and PhD with the Department of Fire Protection Engineering. He currently works as a Research Associate in the Fire Research Division at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). His research focuses on the design, construction, and use of experimental apparatus to quantify the material properties and controlling mechanisms that define material burning behavior. In his free time, Isaac volunteers with the Gaithersburg Washington Grove Volunteer Fire Department and with the USA Warriors and MYHA Hockey Programs.
Design, construction, and use of experimental apparatus for use in material property determination, experimental analysis of material degradation, and validation of computational fire modeling with specific emphasis on:
- Electrical cabinet fires
- Burning behavior of composite materials
- Modeling of upward flame spread
- Material property characterization
- Development of a Material Flammability Property Database
- Measurement and Computation of Fire Phenomena (MaCFP)
Adjunct Professor
Fire Dynamics (ENFP 415 / 651)
Fire Dynamics, Structural Fire Protection Engineering
Program Developer and Lecturer
An Introduction to Math and Physics through Fire Dynamics
- Bonny, J.W. and Leventon, I.T., “Influence of Dispositional and Situational Factors on Human Perceptions of Fire Risk,” 15th International Conference and Exhibition on Science and Engineering (Interflam 2019), London, England. (July 2019; In Review, Fire and Materials, special issue on Human Behavior in Fire)
- Leventon, I.T. and Bruns, M.C., “Thermal Decomposition of Vegetative Fuels,” 15th International Conference and Exhibition on Science and Engineering (Interflam 2019), London, England. (July 2019; Requested for Publication in Fire and Materials)
- Bruns, M.C. and Leventon, I.T., “Automated Fitting of Thermogravimetric Data,” 15th International Conference and Exhibition on Science and Engineering (Interflam 2019), London, England. (July 2019; In Review, Fire and Materials)
- Leventon, I.T., Stoliarov, S. I., Kraemer, R. H., “Impact of Bromine- and Phosphorous-Based Flame Retardants on Flame Stability and Heat Feedback from Laminar Wall Flames,” Fire Safety Journal. (Available Online: May, 2019)
- Lannon, C. M., Stoliarov, S. I., Lord, J. M., Leventon, I. L., “A Methodology for Predicting and Comparing the Full-scale Fire Performance of Similar Materials based on Small-scale Testing,” Fire and Materials, Volume 42: pp. 710-724, 2018.
- Leventon, I. T., Korver, K. T., Stoliarov, S. I., “A Generalized Model of Flame to Surface Heat Feedback for Laminar Wall Flames,” Combustion and Flame, Volume 179, pp. 338-353, 2017.
- Leventon, I. T. and Stoliarov, S. I., “Modeling of Flame to Surface Heat Feedback from Laminar Wall Fires,” Interflam 2016, pp. 1393-1404, 2016.
- Leventon, I. T., Li, J., Stoliarov, S. I., “A Flame Spread Simulation Based on a Comprehensive Solid Pyrolysis Model Coupled with a Detailed Empirical Flame Structure Representation,” Combustion and Flame, Volume 162, pp. 3884-3895, 2015.
- Stoliarov, S. I., Leventon, I. T., Lyon, R. E., “Two-dimensional Model of Burning for Pyrolyzable Solids,” Fire and Materials, Volume 38, pp. 391-408, 2013.
- Leventon, I. T. and Stoliarov, S. I., “Characterization of Flame Growth on ABS by Measurement of Flame to Surface Heat Feedback,” Proceedings of the Seventh International Seminar on Fire and Explosion Hazards (ISFEH 7), Providence, Rhode Island, 2013.
- Stoliarov, S. I., Leventon, I. T., Lyon, R. E., “Two-dimensional Model of Burning for Pyrolyzable Solids,” Federal Aviation Administration Technical Note, DOT/FAA/TC-TN12/59, 2013.
- Leventon, I. T. and Stoliarov, S. I., “Evolution of Flame to Surface Heat Flux During Upward Flame Spread on Poly(methyl methacrylate),” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Volume 34, pp. 2523-2530, 2013.