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FPE Well-Represented at 2018 International Combustion Symposium

Ph.D. student Sriram Hariharan giving his oral presentation.
Several faculty members and graduate students from the UMD Department of Fire Protection Engineering gave oral presentations on their research at the 37th International Symposium on Combustion this summer. The Symposium - hosted by the Ireland Section of the Pittsburgh-based Combustion Institute - took place in Dublin from July 29 to August 3. This symposium is quickly rising in prominence for fire science and research, and is the premiere venue for combustion research. Paper acceptance is extremely competitive.
Prof. Stanislav Stoliarov served as co-chair of the Fire Research Colloquium, which included discussions on aspects of ignition, burning, spread and suppression of fire, as well as applications to urban/wildland fire safety. Profs. Peter Sunderland, Arnaud Trouve, Jose Torero and Michael Gollner each served as chair on various sessions on fire and laminar flames. Three work-in-progress posters were presented by the group, in addition to the following:
Y. Ding, K. Kwon, S.I. Stoliarov, R.H. Kraemer, Development of a semi-global reaction mechanism for thermal decomposition of a polymer containing reactive flame retardant.
A. Guibaud, J.M. Citerne, J.M. Orlac'h, O. Fujita, J.L. Consalvi, J.L. Torero, G. Legros, Broadband modulated absorption/emission technique to probe sooting flames: Implementation, validation and limitations.
S.B. Hariharan, E.T. Sluder, M.J. Gollner, E.S. Oran, Thermal structure of the blue whirl.
L. Jiang, Z. Zhao, W. Tang, C. Miller, J.-H. Sun, M.J. Gollner, Flame spread and burning rates through vertical arrays of wooden dowels.
A. Markan, P.B. Sunderland , J.G. Quintiere, J.L. de Ris, H.R. Baum, Measuring heat flux to a porous burner in microgravity.
A.O. Said, C. Lee, X. Liu, Z. Wu, S.I. Stoliarov, Simultaneous measurement of multiple thermal hazards associated with a failure of prismatic lithium ion battery.
Z. Wang, P. B. Sunderland, R.L. Axelbaum, Dilution effects on laminar jet diffusion flame lengths.
M.A.B. Zanoni, J.L. Torero, J.I. Gerhard, Determining the conditions that lead to self-sustained smoldering combustion by means of numerical modeling.
M.A.B. Zanoni, J.L. Torero, J.I. Gerhard, The role of local thermal non-equilibrium in modeling smoldering combustion.
C. Zhang, A. Collin, P. Moireau, A. Trouvé, M. Rochoux, Front shape similarity measure for data-driven simulations of wildland fire spread based on state estimation: Application to the RxCADRE field-scale experiment.
Published August 22, 2018