News Story
FPE Professors Participate in 1st International Fire Science Summer School

Arnaud Trouvé and James Quintiere, both professors of fire protection engineering at UMD, were recently invited to participate in the First Asia-Pacific Combustion Institute Summer School (APCISS), Fundamental Combustion Problems in Fires, held November 10-15 in Viña del Mar, Chile.
The program included a series of lectures on fundamental aspects of fire dynamics - including pyrolysis processes, flame spread, smoldering, turbulent combustion, radiative heat transfer, soot formation, experimental diagnostics, flammability tests, compartment fire modeling and outdoor fire modeling – as well as computational and experimental workshops. Approximately 55 students, primarily MS/PhD students and early-career researchers involved in fire research in the Asia Pacific and South America regions, attended the week-long event.
“While still new in the area of fire science, Summer Schools and Workshops have become a familiar component in the life of many research communities,” said Trouvé. “They provide an opportunity to expose a diverse group of students to the state of the art in fire science. They also provide an opportunity to get the students to interact during a week-long program with a team of instructors who are leading subject matter experts. Finally, they provide an opportunity for students and instructors to socialize together, network and develop a sense of belonging to the same fire research community.”
The program was organized by Andres Fuentes, a professor at the Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (Valparaíso, Chile), and Pedro Reszka, a professor at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez (Santiago, Chile), and was endorsed and sponsored in part by The Combustion Institute.
The Department of Fire Protection Engineering is currently making plans to organize a similar Summer School of Fire Safety Science at UMD in June 2020. More information on this initiative will be made available soon.
Published December 2, 2019