Staff Directory

Hollywood, Nicole L.

Hollywood, Nicole L.

Associate Director for Undergraduate and Graduate Programs
Fire Protection Engineering

The Clark School Celebrates the Legacy and Impact of Black Engineers

At the A. James Clark School of Engineering, we honor the contributions of Black engineering trailblazers, whose accomplishments improve our society through innovation and leadership.

Fire Protection Engineering To Launch Online Undergraduate Courses in Fall 2025 with Select Tuition Assistance

Two fundamental courses in fire protection engineering to be offered online, with a new tuition assistance program, beginning next Fall. 

Fire Protection Engineering To Launch Online Undergraduate Courses in 2025

The department will offer an online learning format for its ABET-accredited bachelor's degree. 

Celebration the “Milke Way” Brought Former Chair’s Term to a Wonderful Finale

Professor Emeritus Jim Milke’s retirement dinner in Bethesda gathered 350 alums to commemorate his legacy in the department.

9/11 20th Anniversary Commemoration

Join us on September 10 for a reflection and lessons-learned discussion.

FPE Recognizes Outstanding Students at 2nd Annual Academic Luncheon

February event generously sponsored by Jensen Hughes.

Jessica Doermann to Receive UMD Outstanding Graduate Assistant Award

Doermann will be honored at a ceremony on May 8.

Nicole Hollywood Recipient of Clark School 2017/18 Student Advising Award

Awards will be presented at the Clark School Annual Honors and Awards Ceremony on April 11.

Julie Bryant First Recipient of Newly Established UL Fellowship

Bryant will also head the FPE High School Program this year.

FPE Leads 3rd Annual Design Challenge

Outreach project geared towards increasing high school student awareness of STEM and more specifically, fire protection engineering.

Fire Protection Engineering Issues Alumni Video Challenge!

FPE Assistant Director Nicole Hollywood Issues Video Challenge to Dept. Alumni.

FPE Design Challenge Gets High School Students Excited About Engineering

“Junior fire protection engineers” learn about fire phenomena, core strategies in new student-run program.