News Story
Applications Now Being Accepted for Combustion Institute Summer School on Fire Safety Science

The Combustion Institute Summer School on Fire Safety Science will bring together graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and early-career researchers and engineers engaged in fire science as well as distinguished instructors from leading higher-education institutions and research programs in fire safety around the world. The summer school will take place June 8 - 12, 2020, at the University of Maryland (UMD) College Park.
The objectives of the summer school are to expose participants to a broad range of advanced topics with a mix between fundamental courses that emphasize the theoretical foundations of the engineering problem, and application courses that describe the engineering configurations and emphasize current challenges in the engineering practice. Participants will also engage with an international network of fire safety researchers.
The list of courses is organized into two main categories: (1) fundamental courses that emphasize the theoretical foundations of the engineering problem (combustion science, material science, structural mechanics) and (2) application courses describing engineering configurations and emphasizing current challenges in the engineering practice (e.g., wildland fires, façade fires, performance-based design, suppression systems).
There is no registration fee for students from academia and public organizations. Students from private organizations are welcome, but depending on final budget numbers, a fee of $500 may be requested for their registration. The available budget will cover costs for lodging (shared double rooms), breaks and lunches, and course materials. Participants are expected to cover the cost of travelling to UMD, although partial support for travel may also become available.
The application package should be a single file (Word or PDF) containing a cover letter (2 pages max) explaining the applicant’s interest in fire research and his/her motivation for the Combustion Institute Summer School on Fire Safety Science; a CV (2 pages max), and for students enrolled in a graduate program, a letter of recommendation from the applicant’s academic advisor.
Submit any questions and your application package to Professor Arnaud Trouvé ( with the subject line “Application to the Combustion Institute Summer School on Fire Safety Science."
Application deadline: February 28
Final decisions announced: March 7
For additional information, please visit the CISSFSS website:
Published January 29, 2020