News Story
FPE Research Featured on the Cover of Applied Optics

Applied Optics cover
A paper from the Department of Fire Protection Engineering was featured on the cover of Applied Optics. The paper authors are Haiqing Guo (ME Ph.D. student), Jose Castillo (FPE MS 2012) and Peter Sunderland (FPE Associate Professor).
The journal cover shows three images of a diffusion flame: a color image; an image at 650 nm; and a shadowgraph image at 632.8 nm. These images yield accurate measurements of temperature and soot volume fraction.
The paper citation is: H. Guo, J.A. Castillo, P.B. Sunderland, Digital Camera Measurements of Soot Temperature and Soot Volume Fraction in Axisymmetric Flames, Applied Optics 52 (2013) 8040-8047.
Applied Optics is a journal that publishes applied research in optics, photonics, imaging, and sensing. Topics germane to the journal include optical technology, lasers, photonics, environmental optics, and information processing.
Published November 21, 2013