Ryder, Noah L.
Adjunct Lecturer
Visiting Research Associate
Visiting Research Associate
Fire Protection Engineering
3106 J.M. Patterson Bldg.
Noah Ryder, PhD, P.E. graduated from the Fire Protection Engineering Department in 1999 with a BS and a MS in 2000. He has been a practicing engineer for over 20 years and has taught the Fire & Explosion Investigations course within the Fire Protection Engineering Department since 2010. He also serves as the Faculty Advisor for the UMD Loop Hyperloop development team. His PhD work focused on advanced detection and Fire State Determination.
ENFP465 Fire and Explosion Investigations
ENFP665 Advanced Fire and Explosion Investigations
- BE Forrest, EJ Weckman, P Senez, NL Ryder, and M DiDomizio, “Smoke Development and Movement in Ventilation-Limited Conditions within a Multistorey House”, Fire and Materials, Forthcoming.
- BE Forrest, EJ Weckman, and NL Ryder, “The effects of a ventilation-limited fire environment on furniture burning characteristics”, IFireSS Third Annual Symposium, 2019.
- BE Forrest, EJ Weckman, P Senez, NL Ryder, and M DiDomizio, “The Evolution of a Ventilation-Limited Fire in a Multistorey House”, Proceedings of Interflam, 2019.
- NL Ryder, JA Geiman, and EJ Weckman, “Big Data and Real Time Analytics: Use of a Hierarchical Temporal Memory Continuous Learning Algorithm for Fire State Determination”, Proceedings of 2018 SUPDET.
- NL Ryder, J Crompton, M Ryder, and S Bryant, “Performance Based Design: Testing of CPVC Sprinkler Piping for Concealed Spaces in a High-Rise Historical Building”, Proceedings of 2018 SFPE International Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods.
- NL Ryder, JA Geiman, and EJ Weckman, “Smart building systems, real-time data collection, and the use of a Hierarchical Temporal Memory continuous learning algorithm for Fire State Determination”, Proceedings of 2018 SFPE International Performance-Based Codes and Fire Safety Design Methods.
- JA Geiman and NL Ryder, “Developing a fire test strategy for storage protection under sloped ceilings”, 2017 AUBE/SUPDET Conference Proceedings.
- NL Ryder, EJ Weckman, “Multicriteria detection: Leveraging building control and comfort sensors for fire state determination”, 2017 AUBE/SUPDET Conference Proceedings.
- L Carmen, RJ Ballard, NL Ryder, “Hybrid fire extinguishing systems: An evaluation of the effects of high elevations on Class A and Class B fuel fires”, 2017 AUBE/SUPDET Conference Proceedings.
- SJ Jordan, NL Ryder, RJ Ballard, AW Marshall, “Optimized sprinkler development through spray field engineering analysis: Initial spray characterization and reduced order modeling”, 2017 AUBE/SUPDET Conference Proceedings.
- Jordan, S. J., Ryder, N. L., Repcik, J., and Marshall, A. W., 2017, “Spatially-resolved spray measurements and their implications.” Fire Safety Journal 91 (2017) 723–729
- Jordan, S. J., Ryder, N. L., Repcik, J., and Marshall, A. W., 2017, “Spatially-resolved spray measurements and their implications.”, IAFSS 12th International Symposium, 2017.
- MJ DiDomzio, NL Ryder, and EJ Weckman, “Electronic Gas Sensors in Fire Testing.” 2016 Interflam Conference Proceedings.
- JA Sutula and NL Ryder, “Quantifying the Hazards of Green Building Construction for Fire Investigation Analysis.” International Symposium on Fire Investigation Science and Technology 2014.
- NL Ryder and E Weckman, “Effects on Convective Heat Transfer Coefficient In Predictions of Materials Properties from Cone Calorimeter Testing.” 2013 Fire and Materials Conference, Conference Proceedings, San Francisco, CA, 2013.
- NL Ryder, M Price, AW Marshall, “Use of Non-Fire Sensors for Fire Detection and Growth Prediction”, 2012 Annual SFPE Conference, Savannah, GA. October 2012.
- NL Ryder “The Need for a Certification Program for Modeling use in Support of Performance Based Design and Investigations”, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Fire Investigation Science and Technology, October 2012.
- NL Ryder, M Price, G Ligi, P Santangelo, AW Marshall, “Use of Non-Fire Sensors for Fire Detection and Growth Prediction”, 2012 Annual SFPE Conference, Savannah, GA. October 2012.
- Y.Zheng, NL Ryder, AW Marshall, “Model Development for Predicting Fire Hose Stream Characteristics,” Suppression, Detection and Signaling Research and Applications - A Technical Working Conference (SUPDET 2012), National Fire Protection Association, Phoenix Arizona.
- PE Santangelo, NL Ryder, AW Marshall, CF Schemel, “Flammability of Solid Materials: An Experimental Calorimetric Approach,” Proceedings of the ASME 2011 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition, Denver Colorado.
- NL Ryder, CF Schemel, “Investigating and Learning from Industrial Fires and Explosions,” Proceedings of the 2010 SFPE SAC 3rd Fire Protection and Risk Management Conference, Saudi Arabia.
- NL Ryder, CF Schemel, “Appropriate use of Fire & Explosion Modeling Tools for Performance Based Design,” Proceedings of the 2010 SFPE SAC 3rd Fire Protection and Risk Management Conference, Saudi Arabia.
- NL Ryder, CF Schemel, S Mannan, “Design Requirements: A Comparison of Vapour Cloud Explosion Models and the Importance of Properly Assessing Potential Incident Impact,” Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries.
- NL Ryder, CF Schemel, S Mannan, “Design Requirements: A Comparison of Vapour Cloud Explosion Models and the Importance of Properly Assessing Potential Incident Impact,” Proceedings of the Mary Kay O’Connor 2009 International Symposium.
- NL Ryder, CF Schemel, S Mannan, “Analysis of the Buncefield Oil Depot Explosion: Explosion Modeling and Process Safety Perspective,” Proceedings of the Mary Kay O’Connor 2009 International Symposium.
- G Rein, JL Torero, W Jahn, J Stern-Gottfried, NL Ryder, S Desanghere, M Lázaro, F Mowrer, A Coles, D Joyeux, D Alvear, JA Capote, A Jowsey, C, Abecassis-Empis, P Reszka, “Round-Robin Study of a priori Modelling Predictions of The Dalmarnock Fire Test One,” Fire Safety Journal. Vol. 44, No. 4, May 2009.
- G. Rein, C. Abecassis Empis, A. Amundarain, H. Biteau, A. Cowlard, A. Chan, W. Jahn, A. Jowsey, P. Reszka, T. Steinhaus, S. Welch, J.L. Torero, J. Stern-Gottfried, B. Hume, A. Coles, M. Lazaro, D. Alvear, J.A. Capote, S. Desanghere, D. Joyeux, NL Ryder, F. Mowrer, “Round-Robin Study of Fire Modeling Blind Predictions Using the Dalmarnock Fire Experiments,” 5th International Symposium on Fires and Explosions Hazards, 2007.
- Ryder, N., Schemel, C., and Jankiewicz, S., “Near and Far Field Contamination Modeling in a Large Scale Enclosure: Fire Dynamics Simulator Comparisons with Measured Observations,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 130, 2006, 182-186.
- Ryder, N., Schemel, C., and Jankiewicz, S., “Near and Far Field Contamination Modeling in a Large Scale Enclosure: Fire Dynamics Simulator Comparisons with Measured Observations,” Proceedings of the Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Symposium, College Station, TX, 2004.
- Ryder, N., Schemel, C., and Jankiewicz, S., “Comparing Large Eddy Simulation and Finite Element Analysis Predicted Failure Criteria to ASTM Standards,” presented to the ASM 2004 Materials Solutions Conference, Columbus, Ohio, 2004.
- Ryder, N., Sutula, J., Schemel, C., Brunt, V.V., and Hamer, A., “Consequence Modeling Using the Fire Dynamics Simulator,” Journal of Hazardous Materials, 115, 2004, 149-154.
- Ryder, N., Olenick, S., "Computer Modeling of a Controlled Full Scale House Burn with Fire Dynamics Simulator: Construction of a Complex Geometry and Comparison of Predictions with Experimental Data," presented to the NFPA World Safety Conference and Exposition, Dallas, TX, May 2003.
- Ryder, N., Sutula, J., Schemel, C., Hamer, A., and Brunt, V.V., “Consequence Modeling of Fire Using Large Eddy Simulation,” Proceedings of the Mary Kay O’Connor Process Safety Symposium, College Station, TX, 2003.
- Ryder, N. and Sutula, J., "Consequence Modeling of Fire Using Large Eddy Simulation," Presented at the Mary Kay O'Connor Process Safety Symposium, College Station, TX, 2003.
- Wolin, S., Ryder, N., "Measurements of Smoke Characteristics in HVAC Ducts," presented to the NFPA World Fire Safety Congress, Minneapolis, MN, 2002.
- Ryder, N., Wolin, S., Milke, J., "An Investigation of the Reduction in Fire Resistance of Steel Columns Caused by Loss of Spray Applied Fire Protection," Journal of Fire Protection Engineering, Vol. 12, No. 1, 2002.
- Ryder, N., Wolin, S., Milke, J., "Analyses of the Impact of Loss of Spray-Applied Fire Protection on the Fire Resistance of Steel Columns," presented to the International Association of Fire Safety Science Conference, Worcester, MA, 2002.
- Zhang, W., Ryder, N., Roby, R., Carpenter, D., "Modeling of the Combustion in Compartment Fires using Large Eddy Simulation Approach," Proceedings of "Chemical and Physical Processes in Combustion," presented to the Eastern States Section of the Combustion Institute Fall Technical Meeting, December 2001.
- Wolin, S., Ryder, N., Leprince, F., Milke, J., Mowrer, F., Torero, J. "Measurements of Smoke Characteristics in HVAC Ducts," Fire Technology, Vol. 37, No. 4, October 2001.