(3 credits)
- Tom DeBold, P.E., CFEI
Managing Engineer, Gexcon
- Permission of the Department
- Kirk’s Fire Investigation, by David Icove, Gerald Haynes
Course Description
- This course will be taught as a shared senior-level undergraduate and graduate course. This course covers many aspects oif fire and explosion investigation and reconstruction. Information on field techniques, applicable standards, and best practices are presented with an emphasis on how fire science and fre dynamics can be applied to forensic analysis. Experiments are performed and analyzed to demonstrate the concepts.
Follow this link to download the syllabus.
Learning Outcomes
Upon completing this course, the student should be able to:
- Have an understanding of the applicable codes and standards related to forensic investigations
- Understand the legal frameworks in which forensic investigations take place
- Have an understanding of notable fire events
- Have an ability to apply fire dynamics to forensic investigations
- Understand the basic terminology and techniques involved in forensic investigations
- Understand the role of the scientific method in forensic investigations
Tentative Couse Outline
- Module 1: Class Introduction and Overview of Fire & Explosion Investigation & Reconstruction
- Module 2: Fire Dynamics & Ignition
- Module 3: Combustion Hazards
- Module 4: Fire Patterns Analysis
- Module 5: Explosion Basics
- Module 5A: Dust Explosion Basics
- Module 6: Fire Scene Examination & Documentation
- Module 7: Fire & Explosion Modeling
- Module 8: Building Systems
- Module 9: Fire Deaths & Toxicology
- Module 10: Fire Testing
- Module 11: Electricity
- Module 12: Special Topics