News Story
FPE Wins Art Image Competition

Ternary Flame Art Image, H. Guo, P.M. Anderson and P.B. Sunderland, Department of Fire Protection Engineering, University of Maryland
Haiqing Guo and Paul M. Anderson, University of Maryland doctoral students, along with their advisor, Associate Professor Peter B. Sunderland (fire protection engineering), were awarded first place for their poster in the Art Image Competition at the Central States Section of the Combustion Institute in Dayton, Ohio.
The image, left, is entitled Ternary Flame Art Image and shows a ternary flame system with a Santoro burner below a ring burner. The steady soot column generated by the acetylene diffusion flame passes into the hydrogen ring flame, where it is oxidized. This allows soot oxidation to be studied in the absence of soot formation. The camera is a Nikon D100 digital still camera at 6.1 megapixels. This research is supported by the National Science Foundation.
Published April 30, 2012