News Story
Annual Pump Day in FPE

Ken Isman, B.S. ’86, P.E., F.S.F.P.E., leads the Pump Day Supplemental Seminar in the FPE
The Department of Fire Protection Engineering hosted its annual Pump Day on the College Park campus on April 13, 2012. This activity is required for students enrolled in ENFP 310, Water Based Fire Protection Systems Design, taught in spring 2012 by Associate Professor Peter B. Sunderland and Lecturer Joseph A. Simone, B.S. ’84, P.E.
The morning session included a presentation and discussion on pumping fundamentals by Kenneth E. Isman, B.S. ’86, P.E., F.S.F.P.E. Isman is vice president of engineering for the National Fire Sprinkler Association. The afternoon session, held in the Computer and Space Science Building, included a live fire pump test conducted by William Corrigan, Manager of Life Safety-Suppression Systems, UM Facilities Management, and an analysis of the pump’s performance, led by Isman.
Published April 16, 2012