The Department of Fire Protection Engineering's Master of Science and Master of Engineering programs are not the same. Each program has its own requirements and options.
For additional information, please see the FPE Graduate Guide.
The M.S. Program:
- is administered by the Department of Fire Protection Engineering;
- is applied through the UMD Graduate School, whose requirements applicants must meet;
- requires research and a thesis;
- is on-campus only; and
- is designed to prepare students for Ph.D. studies or a career in academia, industry or government.
The M.Eng. Program:
- is administered by and applied to via the Maryland Applied Graduate Engineering (MAGE) office whose requirements must be met;
- is designed with the working engineer in mind;
- does not require or include research and a thesis;
- does not require applicants to take the GRE;
- may be completed on-campus, online, or a combination of both; and
- is designed to help students advance their careers, broaden or refresh their skills, and meet the current needs of industry and government.
If you are enrolled in FPE's Combined Bachelor's/Master's Program:
- Only one letter of recommendation is required