Steve has nearly 25 years of experience in pedestrian dynamics, human behaviour in fire and evacuation modelling. He has worked for the Canadian /US governments (e.g. Senior Research Officer at the National Research Council Canada and Visiting Researcher at the National Institute of Standards and Technology), academic institutes (adjunct faculty of Univ. Maryland and Univ. Waterloo and Reader at Univ. Greenwich) and in consultancy (e.g. Hughes Associates, US). He has been involved in data collection, model development/application, procedural design, and regulatory development. He has worked in the aviation, maritime, rail and built environments, and has also worked in large-scale disasters (e.g. wildfire incidents). Steve is currently the Research Lead at Movement Strategies, co-ordinating research and development work and developing links with research and academic institutes. He is also Industrial Professor of Evacuation and Pedestrian Dynamics at Lund Universit! y, Sweden. He has delivered academic/industry/government courses (e.g. SFPE/ICC/Universities of Lund, Maryland, and Greenwich) and supervised PhD students, Masters students and undergraduate projects in North America, the EU, and the UK. He has 100+ peer-reviewed publications. He co-authors three chapters in the SFPE Handbook and was a co-author of the SFPE Guide to Human Behaviour in Fire (2nd Edition). He has also contributed to NFPA, ISO, IMO, ICC, NBC and SFPE documents.