Class of 2024

Hometown: Burtonsville, MD
High School: James Hubert Blake HS

What is your favorite thing about FPE?
My favorite thing about FPE is the fact that we have 32% women in the undergraduate program. As a female in STEM it is very encouraging to see people like me.

Why did you choose FPE over other STEM majors?
I always knew I would go into a STEM major. I chose FPE because I want my career to be in something that can help people and I want to be able to see the difference I make. As an FPE I can physically see that a sprinkler I design suppresses a fire, or in an emergency everyone gets safely out of a building I helped work on. Also, fire is really cool!

What do you value most about the Department and your time with FPE?
Within the department I value the small class sizes and open door policy with the professors. As an FPE student I make close connections with fellow FPE students, we all become friends and support each other. Additionally, with the small classes professors are able to make one-on-one connections with students and can directly support students. If a professor's door is open students are allowed to walk in and ask questions. I value this because when I am doing homework I can walk into my professor's office, ask my question, and get detailed help. In addition, my professors know who I am and know how to help me best.

How else are you involved in the campus, either in or outside the Department?
I am the Vice President of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. Every month we have a professional event where a company comes to the department to tell students about what they do. At the end of the event we feed everyone who attended. As Vice President I help organize these events and make more events as well as attending to members’ needs.

When you’re not in class, or serving the Department, where can you be found?
When I'm not in class I can usually be found in the Society of Fire Protection Engineers lounge working on homework or just hanging out with other FPEs.

What is the best thing about UMD?
The best thing about UMD is the inclusion. There are hundreds of clubs; everyone can find something they are interested in. Even if it takes time, at UMD you will find your people.

Any last words for prospective students?
FPE is the perfect combination of small school and big school. The small classes of FPE make UMD feel smaller and manageable. But, whenever you want the big school feel, all you have to do is walk out of the department and you have the whole school ahead of you. After your small FPE classes you can go to one of UMD's large sporting events.
